What You Seek Is Within You

Have you ever wondered where fear, anger, and sadness come from?

What about Joy, Happiness, and Peace?

When answering these questions, people often credit outside sources for their experience:

  • "He is happy because he got the job promotion."

  • "She is sad because her dog is sick."

  • "He is angry because his team lost."

  • "She is excited because she's now engaged."

I call this conventional view the 'outside-in' approach. It's a perspective that limits you in at least two significant ways:

1) To experience positive feelings, you must control or influence external factors (events, situations, people, etc.)

2) To avoid or minimize negative emotions, you must also control or influence things outside of you.

With this approach, you surrender your power to circumstances, situations, events, and people.

And the only way for you to be okay is when all the stars align in your favor:

  • Your family and friends are doing very well and are treating you kindly.

  • You are passionate about your job and love what you do.

  • You are making way more money than you need to live well.

  • You and your loved ones are healthy and have lots of fun.

  • You are learning new things that inspire you and help you grow.

  • You are engaged in service and are satisfied spiritually.  

And yet, we all know that even in movies, the main characters face challenges and trials. Which brings me to my next question:

But what if there was another way?

What if you could enjoy life, peace of mind, security, and happiness regardless of the circumstances?

What if you could respond to life and whatever it throws at you with clarity, intelligence, and insight?

What if, regardless of what's happening outside of you, you can feel at ease and be confident in your abilities to handle things with care?   

Such psychological freedom is possible and closer than you think.

It only requires you to realize the inside-out nature of experience:

Your thinking creates your reality.

Realizing that nothing outside of you can cause you to experience or feel anything allows you to connect with your inner wisdom.

You are then free to make decisions and navigate life with ease.

Because your thoughts direct both what you pay attention to and what you ignore, your thoughts are the architects of your reality.

Since your thoughts are connected to your nervous system, thinking creates a sensory experience within you that looks and feels real to you.

This causes you to do, act, and feel in response to what you are thinking at the moment.  

Dreaming provides an excellent example: random thoughts come and go as you dream, activating the sensory system. The thoughts look and feel real, and depending on their nature, you get to have a fantastic or terrifying experience.  


The same is true when you are awake.

The only difference between a Nightmare and a Daymare is that one grabs you when you sleep, and the other takes hold of you when you're wide awake.

In both cases, your thoughts are creating a reality that feels real to you, influencing your emotions and actions.

Please understand that the idea here is not to control your thinking. If that were possible, we would have a lot more productive and happy people.

The true power lies in the realization that you are the thinker!

And that your thoughts:

1) May Not be 100% True

2) May Not be 100% useful.

At this point, some people may drop out of the conversation.

This occurs because the idea that you don't have to believe what you think and no longer be a victim of your old patterns is terrifying.

I often hear people say:

"This is all I've known. What would my life be like if I didn't believe my thoughts? "

And I get it.

Your Ego is terrified!

It's like rejecting an old identity to discover and co-create a new way of being—one that is rooted in possibility, clarity, peace of mind, and, of course, free from insecurity and past memories.

If you are ready to experience life from a place of clarity and wisdom, let's connect.